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Dr Melanie Smith
Dr Melanie Smith
Dr Melanie Smith

A Biopsychosocial Approach to Menopause Symptoms - Application of a Cognitive Behavioural Approach

Dr Melanie Smith

Friday Sep 12, 2025

Pacific Time:

9:00am - 12:30pm

Eastern Time:

12:00pm - 3:30pm

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On Friday September 12, 2025, Dr. Melanie Smith will deliver a half-day workshop on the biopsychosocial approach to menopause symptoms within the context of CBT.

Workshop Outline

Menopause is a natural event that takes place within a broader psychosocial context and research shows that women’s experiences will vary considerably. Common symptoms including vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes and night sweats), insomnia and fatigue are time limited but for 16-40% have a significant impact on quality of life and wellbeing. 

The biopsychosocial perspective moves away from a primarily biomedical model, and recognizes other factors that influence women’s experience of menopause, including stress, cognitive behavioural responses to symptoms, and beliefs and expectations about the menopause itself. This is important for women who are unable to take hormonal therapies due to concurrent or historical health issues, or for women who wish to seek alternative non-hormonal strategies. 

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a biopsychosocial approach to menopausal symptoms that aims to equip women with information to normalize their experience of menopause, and give them strategies to manage troublesome symptoms. It has been endorsed as an evidence based approach by the British Menopause Society and the North American Menopause Society. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop, participants will learn to: 

Understand the role of a biopsychosocial approach to menopause and psycho-sociocultural factors that influence women’s experience of menopause

Gain an overview of a cognitive behavioural approach for menopause symptoms, including hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, and stress

Support women in order to normalize their experience and develop coping strategies to support themselves through the menopausal transition.

About the Presenter

Dr Melanie Smith is a Principal Clinical Health Psychologist who has been working in the physical health field since completing her Clinical Psychology Doctorate at the University of Manchester in 2006. She was lead therapist on the MENOS 1 and 2 RCTs which delivered and evaluated the effectiveness of CBT for menopause symptoms in breast cancer and well women populations. She continued to work with women on a 1:1 basis and continues to deliver training in the biopsychosocial approach to menopause to a range of healthcare professionals and psychological practitioners in conjunction with the British Menopause Society, as well as specialist breast care nurse teams. 

Dr. Smith has co-authored 3 books on CBT for menopause symptoms with Professor Myra Hunter. Melanie also works within an NHS interdisciplinary chronic pain service and the Musculoskeletal team at Salford Royal Hospital. 

Training Modalities

Didactic content, Q&A, case studies, experiential components, and videos

Who should attend

This workshop is suitable for anyone working psychologically with women experiencing menopause symptoms as part of a normal life stage or following breast cancer treatment.

Continuing Education (CE) Credits

Bespoke Mental Health Canada is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Bespoke Mental Health Canada maintains responsibility for the program. 

After viewing this workshop live, participants have the option to complete an evaluation form in order to be eligible to receive a certificate confirming the number of credits awarded. This certificate will be sent via email.

Participants who view this workshop as a pre-recorded event will need to complete an additional content-related workshop knowledge quiz in order to be eligible to receive CE credits.

Participants who complete this workshop are eligible to receive 3 CE credits.


Professionals: $100 CAD + tax

Students*: $80 CAD + tax

* Proof of student status may be required in order to qualify for a student rate.

Key References

Ayers, B., Smith, M., Hellier, J., Mann, E. & Hunter, M. S. (2012) Effectiveness of group and self-help cognitive behavior therapy in reducing problematic menopausal hot flushes and night sweats (MENOS 2): a randomized controlled trial MENOPAUSE. 19, 7, 749-759 

Hickey, M., Hunter, M. S., Santoro, N., & Ussher, J. (2022). Normalising menopause. BMJ, 377. 

Hunter, M and Smith, M (2021) Living Well Through the Menopause: An evidence based cognitive behavioural guide. little, brown book group. 

Hunter M and Smith M (2020). Managing Hot Flushes and Night Sweats; A cognitive behavioural self help guide. 2nd edition. Routledge Taylor Francis. East Sussex and New York. 

Hunter, M.S. and Smith M (2014). Managing Hot Flushes and Night Sweats with Group CBT: An evidence based treatment manual for health professionals. Routledge Taylor Francis. East Sussex and New York. 

Mann, E., Smith, M. J., Hellier, J., Balabanovic, J. A., Hamed, H., Grunfeld, E. A. & Hunter, M. S. Mar (2012) Cognitive behavioural treatment for women who have menopausal symptoms after breast cancer treatment (MENOS 1): a randomised controlled trial The Lancet Oncology. 13, 3, p. 309 – 318 

More information coming soon.

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